Wednesday, June 17, 2009


now's morning=) i dont get to use computer at night nemore.cause i have to do my homework!:') but its sokay.

lizard?=) no no!its alien!=D
first period~teacher didnt come in.weewee.yay!=) we play in class but but at where i sit.most of them got tummy ache cause they got period and they were resting.andrea too =( so i didnt have anything to do.
but but but after i went with janice=) we play for awile only then then *bumbum!!!* got a bug looks like lizard but no its weird oh.half of the class first say 'eeee!lizard!!!' then when we saw it come out "no no!eee!what's that?!yucky!!!ALIEN!!!???o.0" then the whole class laugh and then when the thing come near us.we will shout alien!!!.so,all of us call it *alien*=) now.haha.funny!but but look seriously like a alien.suddenly in our class running this the thing.then the whole class shout.they put it out adie. but then it come back the second time this time in bel's place.that time me and janice sit next to each other and ofcourse ofcourse we play!heeweewee!=) after all at bel's place shout.loud!!!then after the whole class shout.cause we saw the *alien* seriously long time this we shout and everyone start going up chairs and they run and bel run to cynthia place then eee...bodooo oh cynthia she say the lizard next to me and bel so we both shout!then they shout at us back cause the lizard the other side not near us.and till 2p hear the class screaming this.the teacher scold us somemore.Yur yur yur!!!:( but i like cause we get to play around round round!!!=) =) =) DONEDONE...

its hard!:'( stannia gets mad at me so fast.ish...i say sorry to her 3 times on the phone and she dont reply me!seriously!ayur!!!she make me feel bad! then i reply her abit late she got mad and she say bye to me.eee!that time i really got tummy ache =( seriously and im really sleepy :'( and i dont feel well.but atleast my other beshties understand =) when tell them that i cant text them.awww =) .that's what i really love about them=D
well,stannia my beshtie too and i dont want to hurt her feelings,i dont want her to get mad.