Tuesday, June 16, 2009


im mad!cause fathin say's my eyes is round!no they're not!:[ then i argue with her.then bel say "yea!they're are and its like those anime eyes" grrr!ish.then i didnt say anything i just didnt talk to them =D haha.for awile.after
bel draw mine and janice's hand=D then i draw bel's hand!=D i dont know why but when draw at the hand it turns itchy!:'( at class so itchy my hand i cant stop scratching it ): .aiyur!

i play with janice and bel after recess.first me and janice push bel around.so bad this...then after bel cannot stop caughing.aiyur!we stop and let her caugh...i want to stop playing too.
but janice didnt want too.she play with me again while bel was caughing she really cannot stop it.i push janice she push me then when she push me she didnt let me go when she push me around. my hand hit the wall.ouchyy!!!hurts alot oh!:'( i got a booboo :'( when my hand hit the wall i shout at janice i want her to let go cause i can feel something sharp cutting my hand:'( it turn red.
i panic!:( but janice say dont touch it.it hurts alot i can feel the cut oh :'( .but then when i leave it.its ok adie =D hehe.yay!yay!yay!=)