Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I dont feel really well.yur yur!:'( its like i have fever.cause that day i play under the rain :'( but i rest adie and and i feel better and hyper =)

lastnight =)
i use my phone all the time =D well.not all the time =) then then i wear short pants and my short pants got this smally pocket.i put my phone there.then i really want to go poopoo =.=
so.i went to the toilet then someone call me when i was in the toilet.Ayur!!! and i have to answer it!so.i didnt get to go.when i really wana go badly!:'( yuryur!kays... forget about that =)
KKHS Concert.Im going i think!=) Yayiee!=D but im not really sure if mummy let.cause when i ask her she didnt really wana let me go :'( but i think i can if my koko going =D weewee =p but then i cant go out watch movie with vani and cera them :'( cause i only can choose one :'( but its better than nothing.a yupyup! =)