Thursday, July 9, 2009

kkhigh =)

Yay.i can go online adie :) last time din.cause my internet cannot work but now can can!:D

stannia and me :) she's my sweetie bestie :D me and her went to kkhigh concert :) and lee too.we 3 wear dress :D lee didnt want to take pictures!=.= yur yur!vani wan to come but she didnt :'( ayur!its sokay =) and and in the hall we 3 go sit in the aunty's chair.cause no one there so we sit there :) i sit in the middle of lee and stannia!Yay yay yay!= p we see the people perform =) and i use my handphone too while watching =) i texted.ahhhh.i fogot who =p when this guys perform i shout :D i was the only one shouting ohh.haha =D lee and stannia laughed at me
aghh!=.= then i hide between stannia and lee.they say i blushed cause i too embaressed!yur.after i slide down to my chair and cover my face.Funnieee!= p but then i got up back cause well its dark overthere and i laugh with lee and stannia!=) me and lee went to 7eleven.we walk and cross the road.Lee really tall.aight :D im smaller than her.she treat me like im a little kido when crossing.yur yur!she keep on scolding me when i wan to cross and she hold me tight when crossing.ha ha =D but its sokay.she cares about me =) aww.Yayieee! :) after we buy chockies =)
yum yum = p i eat alot!well i only eat it!till i wana vomit :'( cause after i eat i jump jump and laugh laugh =) Lee and stannia make me laugh.seriously! done talking shits =p