Wednesday, June 10, 2009



i go mamam at my aunty house=) same time i get to play with my cousin=D
mummy and daddy both go no one to take care of me and my little brother:D.haha.Seriously they treat us like were babies.but i dont mind with that:D.yupyup!.always my big sister will take care of us.but now she in KL shopping:D grr!=.=
but but but im going too tomorrow yay!!yay!!:D me and mummy(: i want want take many many picture!:D:D:D i pity my brother cause he gonna be alone at home when my daddy go to work.but he's the one who didnt want to go.naa!=D

beshties ~ Friendsi found this picture in my handphone =D =D =D

my *friend* she wants to fight but then when she got angry i didnt.i really really really dont want to fight with anyone!seriously :'( in my heart im mad but then i try not to be.cause i hate fighting seriously!:'( i put smiley face and i dont get mad when texting her.
eventhough deep in there somewhere im mad and hurt:'( but but but it will fade away :D i know it will:D she still my friend that i love. i seriously got many problems now!mostly with bel!!!but but but im ignoring it!=) cause i dont want it to be a big big big fight and i dont like talking about it.cause ill cry.
one time i talk about it on the phone with this someone=D i cried :'( but after awhile i get over it
=D =D =D i know it will be ok one day later!:D:D:D