Friday, June 12, 2009


eventhough im back to being besties with stannia ady(: maybe me and her will fight and be mad and each other again. and and and=) Ofcourse ill never leave my all time besties=D that i always are janice.she's still my bestie =) and she'll never not be my bestie and nothings gonna change.yupyup!=D i love them equally=D. besides.i dont want to be the kind of girl i was last time.last time its like i throw my friends away.but ill not do it again.Seriously!=) =D =) cause i know how it feels=D and and and i dont like doing that.DONEDONE...

i buy dressy!:D pink and whitey!hee~=) i lovelove my mummy cause she the one buy for me.
and and and i take pictures with my cuzzie!=D manymanymany!but in the camera=) when i go home then ill post=)
then then my handphone now is pink+purple!yay!=) and and my mummy buy me my own camera.aww.
Yayiee!=D I so lovelovelove muchmuch my mummy!=D im missing someone!!!and i dont know who:'( but sokay ill find who i miss later sleepy :'( .