Monday, June 1, 2009


My link list is really weird.I didnt press the link but then it looks like its pressed.Lols =]
Ok,Forget about that:D
Slippers?:D. Me LoveLove it:D.Its Pink(: Mummy buy me it :D.Awh :D...
Its not so expensive .Eeyup!:}


Bratz Fairy tales!me love!:D:D:D Seriously.I watch alot of princess movies!:D Its not childish.Really! everytime my big sister go out shopping always she buy alot princess movies!:D. Then i will watch (: when i watch Bratz .I Remember this boy call me a brat! :(
But its Fine!:} I care abit but anything i say.You will still call me a brat ,Fine!:D I dont mind at all all all :D:D:D Am i a brat?Seriously?.If i am tell me.I wana change (: I dont know why but peoples say im like a little kid :'( But really im not!:D Im sure! :D Rweally Sleepy :') .