Tuesday, May 26, 2009


we didnt study today :)
So,I hear jodana,Nabila,Andrea and BelBel Story's:D.Then,Nabila bring her Love Novel.
ROMEO AND JULIET!:)We read the love sweet poems only this:) And And And...We keep on saying "Awww!!!"Then,We imagine if that happens to us and we want to cry cause to sweet.HAHA:)That time US like LOVE CRAZY!:D:D:D Sweet this.But Nabila laugh cause she didnt understand but she Understand it too.

Before we read the ROMEO AND JULIET!(:
we slap each other?
BelBel Start that first.First she slap herself?:) Weird and funny this bel.After she slap me.Then,I slap her back many times...She slap me back again:( Then,Jodana and Nabila Laugh cause we play slap slap.Until jodana say she wants to help slap us.Funny bha Jo!:D
then,Andrea next to me.I Slap her!She pinch me this:(.Hurts This!But its ok.Cause i slap her:)
Then,Bel keep slaping people over and over and she laugh.Meanie bha bel!:D