Wednesday, May 27, 2009


My Little Brother is playing he's PSP and i get to use the computer!:D.Cause mummy's Sleeping.I watch Many Cartoon just now:D haha.:D. I laugh alot oh today.

I still remember when me and andrea dance!:D and i miss that Odie!:D Seriously! Dancing with her
is FunFun!:D Tomorrow ill dance with her again:D. Im not sleepy and I dont know why...
Wait,I know.Cause im hyper!haha:) I Play with my little brot
her just now . I tickle him cause he annoy me=.= He laugh so loud this!:D. I Laugh too Cause when i go near him he thought i want to tickle him:D He has a psp and my sister got NDS.But i have nothing:( But it's Ok :) Mummy say she buy me more dress and Heels and many clothes!:D My Sister Really have more alot of that until our house full with her clothes.
Just now,At class we tell ghost stories But not that scary!:D WE laugh!:D And we play bingo bingo!
and we play with our eyes . Janice,me and cynthia play staring.Then,everytime i will blink first:(
Cause their face Funny!:D. And they make me laugh!Yur!:( N
ot Fair nie!:(

Now Now Now(: I like Singing the ABC Song :D.If Im Bored i Sing It.Then,I like turning the song upside downy.Sometimes From ABC Becomes ABD .Numbers i do that too:)
Cause Fun this!...Numbers i sing too . I follow the ABC song Tune.haha:D