Friday, July 10, 2009


School =) aha.
Recess =) i bring tapau?bel too.we go down early to hall.then,we saw vani.Larissa.Gabby =)
i sit in the middle of vani and stannia :D i mamamam my food.Yummeh = p and vani take one of my food =.= stannia took too.Arghh,nvmind =) after.larissa,gabby and vani start throwing ice at me Yur!but then i throw ice back at them too =) when i finish mamamam i clean my mouth.vani say im so babies! not =) vani wan bring me call aaron but then i din wan too cause me still hungry.i go to canteen.and buy the stawbewry thing =) vani teman me and larissa and gabby did too =) in canteen we play somemore =) hee.and we laugh like crazieee = p i play with them the whole day =) aww.i miss them ady! :D i miss janice too! :D she din go school today.Yesterday we hugged for a long time.when we hug we play around and around =) ahaha.Funnieee!
she's my bestie aites :D

class =)
me and deborah play and laugh for long long time until i want really badly to go weewee :'( when teacher teaching too we play.ah,we both mmg lazy wo : p but deborah's smart.she dont pay attention always but she get number 1 in class.
im not lyk that :'( haiyur.nvmind =) i sit in the middle.deborah next to me and andrea too.
andrea shout at us infront of teacher.sheesh.she say
*can,you guys shadap?!From just now you guys laugh only!shdap eh!!!*
me and deborah still laughing.but then when we look at her.she look at us weird.teacher scold us. and deborah din hav any mood ady.cause of her.Debdeb sit inside so she hav to pass andrea first to go out from there.but deborah piss off,she jump cross the table infront.
i did too.i move place somemore.cause wan to go home was moral,i sit with bel and cynthia =) we talk about lifenight and lifemass :D cynthia ask me and bel to go mass cause she has no friend.bel always go mass,and i think mummy going im going =) and i wan go Lifenight.
cause i cant go all saints bazaar but mummy say lifenight can,im going! :D Yayieee! :D
Bel and cynthia going too :) YAY! :D
ky.weewee =) donedone.