Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day Out with my cousin July and Roxn:D

I wake really early.Im still sleepy this:( mummy and daddy ask me to follow send my sister to school.
:(.Then,they bring me to the gym?I follow mummy around :D:D:D.She exercise,In the running thingy(: .mummy and daddy both did that.I did something too:). I play with the exercise thing then i keep running everywhere cause after 5 minutes i play on the thing i get bored odie:) then,I wait wait for them to finish.Then,We go mamam:D Dim Sum!!!:D.
After that mummy go take cousin july:D.From her house,the next door house is my grandma's house.then,they mummy send things there.I go july's house to find her.Infront of her house the door was open.Then,when i walk in she was singing this:D.Funny oh!:D.
And my mummy heard she singing too.Then,my mummy was saying"Wow!July not bad this your voice:)" then,we laugh again until in the car.Then,mummy bring to 1b.
I went with my cousin july and roxn we go shopping ourselves:D:D:D.
After that.My aunty bring us watch movie:D:D:D when the movie i sit next to my cousin Roxn:D . I Fell Asleep this for a little while :D Yur! Cause im like gila sleepy!haha:) Then i wake up cause the speaker really loud this.then,my phone keep vibrating but i dont sedar it:D .Omymymymy!