Tuesday, June 23, 2009


School =)
i sit infront of bebel.bebel sit next to cynthia and janice sit next to me :D we play alot :D and we play water.teacher didnt come in only 1 did (: so.we play many times.then one time we play and laugh and cant stop.then my throat start getting itchy.yur yur :( i cant stop coughing :'( i drink water so that i wont cough.i drink really really alot of water.after awile i really want to go weewee :(
but i didnt want to go yet.i want to go recess time :D cause teacher came and i sit infront :D so.then while teacher teaching.i really want to go badly.then janice move my chair somemore.ayur!:'( but i scold her.then we laugh.but it makes me wana go more badly.me and janice sit infront and its moral time :D teacher lee and us talk talk :) then i look at the clock.its just 2.4o but but then recess time is at 3 only :'( *yikes* i went at recess time:D and bebel help me buy food.awww :D she's really good to me :D yay yay yay!=)
DoneDone...i wana mamam :D